
Frequentis is a global supplier of communication and information systems for control centres with safety-critical tasks.

Initial Situation

Frequentus One ATM is a software ecosystem developed by our client to service the needs of Air Traffic Management service providers both now and in the future.


Our firm’s primary objective was to introduce this innovation to their specific target group and establish the brand “OneATM Frequentis” in the market. To achieve this, we designed a comprehensive campaign to cater to our clients goals and customers.


– Our LinkedIn campaign was launched with content and messaging tailored to raise awareness within our target market, generate traffic to bespoke landing pages and qualify generated leads to provide our clients sales department with actionable information.


– Content marketing and creation paired our clients existing brand profile with unique visuals created for their new product line.


– A/B Testing was conducted on multiple active creatives and ad formats to identify the best performing content and maximize the impact of the campaign through continuous improvement.


– A Retargeting campaign was also implemented using the Insight Tag on our client’s website. This data-driven approach provided insights into the characteristics and behavior of visitors, enabling to refine our marketing strategy in real time.


– Trade Fairs are a key part of our clients global marketing strategy, and we supported their efforts through design of advertising materials, the graphic design of the booths themselves and digital advertising for their presence at certain events

corporate branding work example
corporate branding work example


Our advertising campaign for Frequentis demonstrated a thoughtful and strategic approach across its various phases.


By increasing awareness, driving traffic and ultimately generating qualified leads, the campaign successfully put this product line in the spotlight and laid the groundwork for sustained brand awareness and business growth.