
Wienerberger is one of the world leading providers of innovative, ecological solutions for the building industry.

Initial Situation

The Brick Award is an international event which highlights groundbreaking projects around the world and celebrates the contribution of the architects responsible for them.


For the past three years has assisted the events host Wienerberger in their digital marketing campaign to attract the best projects around the world and enhance the visibility and prestige of the event.


– Full social media management on Instagram/Facebook/LinkedIn and Pinterest.


– Lead generation campaigns on google and social media.


– Nurturing long term relationships with numerous architects so they are engaged with the event and submit their projects for the next award.


– Design and creation of visuals and animations for both social media campaigns, printed media related to the event and the material present at the event itself.


– Engaging industry media (ArchDaily and Frame) as partners to further enhance the exposure of architects to this event.

marketing automation work example
marketing automation work example


The Brick Award 24 submission campaign alone has yielded impressive results.


Cumulative impressions across social media platforms reached 15,509,923, demonstrating a remarkable level of engagement and interest from our small target audience of professionals.


The impact of the campaign on Instagram was particularly noteworthy. With a relatively modest budget, the accounts reach on Instagram increased by 125,83% and the accounts Followers increased by 8.05%.


Overall, the strategic planning and execution of our campaigns resulted in widespread visibility and engagement for the Brick Awards. The combination of carefully selected platforms, content formats and media partnerships contributed to the campaign’s success in attracting submissions and generating global interest for our client.