AGRANA adds value to agricultural commodities to create industrial products for downstream industries.

Initial Situation

AGRANA AG, a leading global company in the food and processing industry, recognized the need to modernize its marketing and sales processes to stay competitive in an increasingly digital world. Eager to adapt to evolving customer behaviors and preferences, AGRANA sought our expertise to develop a comprehensive Marketing Automation Strategy.


The objective was to improve customer engagement, and ensure the right content reached the right audience at the right time. To achieve these goals, we initiated a data-driven transformation project and Marketing Automation rollout.


– Persona Development: Our first step was to create detailed buyer personas. We conducted in-depth interviews with existing clients and engaged with internal stakeholders to gain a comprehensive understanding of AGRANA’s target audience. This market research was conducted to gather insights into the evolving needs and preferences of potential customers and this proven data formed the foundation of our strategy


– Customer Journey Mapping: Building on the developed personas, we mapped out the customer journey these key customer types should experience. This exercise helped us understand the various stages and touchpoints in the buyer’s decision-making process. It also enabled us to identify the key questions and pain points that potential customers faced.


– Content Creation and Strategy: Armed with an understanding of the customer journey, we created content that directly addressed the questions and challenges prospective clients had during each stage. This content ranged from informative blog posts to comprehensive e-books and whitepapers. A content strategy was developed to ensure that the right content was delivered at the right time during the customer’s journey.


– Marketing Automation System Setup: The next step involved implementing a robust Marketing Automation System. Landing pages, forms, and emails were created to deliver the tailored content seamlessly to the right target individuals. This system ensured that prospects received relevant information, nurturing leads through the sales funnel.

customer journey work example
customer journey work example


The implementation of the Marketing Automation Strategy had two key impacts on AGRANA’s marketing and sales processes:


Enhancing Customer Engagement: By delivering tailored content at the right time, AGRANA strengthened its engagement with prospects, leading to improved customer satisfaction and loyalty.


Data-Driven Decision Making: The system provides valuable data on customer behavior, helping AGRANA make informed decisions and refine its marketing strategies.


In conclusion, AGRANA’s journey towards digitalizing its marketing and sales process through a strategic Marketing Automation approach is an ongoing but fruitful process. By understanding customer personas, mapping their journey, and providing tailored content, our client has positioned themselves for sustained success in an ever-evolving digital landscape.